photo of cream-colored textured accent
vase of colorful flowers on white surface with shadow

you deserve the time you give to everyone else.

Online Therapy for Motherhood & Parenting

You’re tired of feeling like you’re always falling short.

You want to be a good mom but you feel stuck.

You’re trying so hard to be a good mom, but you feel like you’re barely treading water. You’re yelling at your partner or your kids, and it’s becoming harder to quiet that critical voice in your head. You constantly feel guilty, and it never feels like you’re doing enough. You keep hearing that you need to do “self-care”, but you don’t know where to start. Plus, it just feels like another thing to add to the to-do list and there are so many other things you need to get done first.

Now that you’re a parent, you’re also finding yourself thinking a lot more about your childhood and how you were raised. You may notice that in times of stress, you’re acting just like your parent did. Sometimes, you even start to feel just like you did when you were a child. You’re realizing that you’re stuck in the same cycles you observed growing up and don’t know how to break out of them. You want something different for your family, but you don’t know where to start.

stack of white and pink blooks with vase of flowers

Sound familiar?

Feel overwhelmed and overstimulated

Tired of never feeling good enough

Wish you could quiet that critical voice in your head

Ready to break free from patterns keeping you stuck

photo of Dr. Amber Penn in pink blazer sitting on couch and smiling

In our sessions together we will…

Explore your triggers, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

By unraveling the different components of the cycles that you’re stuck in, we can work together to identify how to help you break free from them.

Process difficult memories and experiences

I will utilize the latest evidence-based, neuroscience-informed treatment strategies to help you process and resolve any parts of your past that may be keeping you from healing.

Learn coping skills and strategies to stay calm and present

I will help you learn practical, effective strategies to manage overwhelm, anxiety, guilt, and rage. Together, we will help you assemble a collection of strategies unique to you and your strengths.

I’m here to help you with…

  • Mom Guilt

  • Mom Rage

  • Overstimulation

  • Work/Life Balance

  • Gentle/Responsive Parenting

  • Breaking Generational Cycles

  • Reparenting

  • Identity Development

change is possible

Imagine a life where….

  • You know how to calm your mind and body.

  • You understand your needs and how to meet them.

  • You’re free from cycles of rage and guilt.

  • You get curious instead of critical.

  • You’re no longer re-enacting your childhood in times of chaos.

  • You feel reconnected to yourself, your kids, and your partner.

  • You become the type of mother you’ve always wanted to be.

Let’s get started today

Because you don’t have to do this alone.



  • During the first session, my goal is to create a warm, comfortable, and safe space as we begin to build our therapeutic relationship. I will start by collecting some background information so I can better understand what your experience has been like thus far. We will then collaboratively establish goals for treatment and agree on a treatment plan tailored to your unique experience.

  • Most of my clients start to experience some relief in the first 1-3 months, but total length of treatment tends to vary depending on the individual’s life circumstances. Typically, folks feel ready to end therapy within 3-9 months, although they are always welcome to return for booster sessions in the future if things come up.

  • Therapy can help you learn how to calm your mind and body, be more present, set boundaries, practice self-compassion, improve communication, heal from childhood wounds, and build your support system.