photo of cream-colored textured accent
Photo of stack of books, vase with flowers, coffee cup, and Dr. Amber Penn in the back ground on laptop

you deserve to find peace, connection, and joy in your life.

Online Therapy for Anxiety & Stress

You’re tired of feeling like you are never doing enough.

It’s like you can never catch up, let alone get ahead.

You keep telling yourself you just have to get through this next week, next project, or next season and then things will calm down - but they never do. You’re trying to stay busy so that this feeling will pass, but it never does. You’re exhausted.

You’ve always been high achieving, hardworking, and goal oriented, but it feels like you can’t keep up anymore. You used to be able to handle all of this, but now you’re wondering if you’ve just been fooling everyone (including yourself) this whole time. You try to keep the negative thoughts at bay, but you feel like a failure. You’re getting tired of hustling, but don’t know any other way.

Sound like you?

Exhausted by your perfectionism and people pleasing

Feeling constantly on edge and burned out

Wishing you could get out of your head

Ready to harness your strengths and reconnect with your life

Photo of pink flowers in vase with blurred coffee cup

What we’ll do together

Therapy can help you break free from patterns keeping you stuck and help you reconnect with what matters most to you.

If you are like many other women who find me and my practice, you would probably describe yourself as high functioning and overall, pretty successful. You’ve probably tried yoga or mindfulness, and maybe even talk therapy before, but just haven’t gotten the kind of results you want. You probably feel like you have tried everything and wonder if therapy can really help.

The good news is you will probably find therapy with me to be different from the things you’ve tried before.

We will explore together how anxiety shows up in your body, your thoughts, your relationships, and the way you talk to yourself. We will identify any current patterns of behavior that have served you well before (and maybe even still serves you well sometimes!) but is getting in the way of you living the life you want now. Then, we will work together to help you break free from those patterns no longer serving you, harness your strengths (after all your work ethic and high achieving nature is a strength), and identify tangible ways to help you regain control over your nervous system and reconnect with the things that matter most to you.

how i can help

Imagine a life where….

  • Your relationships feel honest, deep, and authentic.

  • Work doesn’t feel overwhelming.

  • You feel more confident in yourself and your abilities.

  • You’re still high achieving and successful, but no longer feel controlled by your anxiety.

  • You no longer get stuck thinking about worst case scenarios.

  • You feel joy in your life again.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

You deserve support even if on the outside it looks like you have it all together. You are not weak for needing help, you are human.

You deserve peace.

Let’s get started today

Because change is possible and you deserve peace.



  • During the first session, my goal is to create a warm, comfortable, and safe space as we begin to build our therapeutic relationship. I will start by collecting some background information so I can better understand what anxiety looks like for you. We will then collaboratively establish goals for treatment and agree on a treatment plan tailored to your unique experience.

  • Most of my clients start to experience some relief in the first 1-3 months, but total length of treatment tends to vary depending on the individual’s life circumstances. Typically, folks feel ready to end therapy within 3-9 months, although they are always welcome to return for booster sessions in the future if things come up.

  • During therapy, I will teach you ways to calm your body and manage the physical symptoms of anxiety. I will also help you examine anxious thoughts, face your fears, practice self-compassion, challenge self-criticism, and set boundaries.