Go beyond traditional talk therapy

EMDR Therapy for Reproductive Trauma

You’ve tried everything you can think of to get over what happened to you, but nothing is working.

You know how to get through hard times, but the strategies you’ve relied on in the past aren’t working anymore. Maybe you’ve been to therapy before, but it doesn’t feel like it resolved the core issue. You’re feeling constantly on edge, exhausted, and overwhelmed - and it’s starting to be hard to remember a time when you didn’t feel this way. You’ve always been able to keep going and sometimes, you can convince yourself that it doesn’t really bother you.

But you’re still feeling…

Frustrated by how hard the experience still feels

Disconnected from yourself and family

Overwhelmed by guilt, anxiety, and shame

EMDR therapy can get you relief by targeting the source of your suffering.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that goes beyond traditional talk therapy to help you reprocess difficult experiences to get relief fast.

  • EMDR is a structured treatment approach that works by using bilaterial stimulation (typically eye movements) while focusing briefly on a traumatic memory to help reduce the intensity and vividness of emotion related to the experience. It has been heavily researched and is recognized by all national and international mental health organizations as one of the most effective treatments for trauma and PTSD symptoms. There is also ongoing research showing its effectiveness for other mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, OCD, chronic pain, and other difficult life experiences.

  • EMDR is designed to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in the brain. EMDR therapy allows the brain to resume its natural healing process, rather than focusing on changing specific emotions, thoughts, or behaviors resulting from the distressing issue.

    Our bodies are capable of naturally healing unless something is in the way. For example, if we were to accidentally cut our arm, we wouldn’t need to tell our arm how to heal. Sure, we may clean out the wound, put a Band-Aid on it, and treat it with some TLC for a bit - but for the most part, it will heal on it’s own. That is, unless there is a piece of shrapnel stuck in it. In that case, our arm will still try to heal (and it may even do it most of the way), but chances are it’ll still feel tender when touched and may even get infected later on.

    Our brains are the same way. When a difficult experience happens to us, our brain is capable of healing from the effects on it’s own, unless there’s something getting in the way. Our brain will still do the best it can to heal, but overtime, healing can get stalled and people can get stuck. Many of my clients will often say that intellectually they know a past experience is over, that they are safe now, or that it wasn’t their fault, but emotionally, those statements don’t feel true.

    EMDR can help you by allowing the brain to process memories and allow for normal healing to resume. It doesn’t make the memory go away, but the “brain shrapnel” causing the fight, flight, and freeze response from the original event is resolved.

  • EMDR does NOT involve talking in detail about the distressing issue or completing homework in between sessions. EMDR treatment starts with an assessment of your current symptoms and a focus on coping strategies to help manage distress. Then, we’ll identify specific memories and beliefs from the past that are continuing to negatively impact you today. The remainder of treatment will focus on reprocessing those memories and experiences.

    Many individuals find that as we start reprocessing, the positive effects generalize to other difficult memories and beliefs as well, so the exact length of treatment varies. For many clients, EMDR therapy can be completed in much fewer sessions than other psychotherapies.

  • Many of my clients come to me feeling like for the most part, they are doing okay, but sometimes out of nowhere they are reminded of a past experience, and it puts them into fight, flight, or freeze mode. They also often feel “stuck” in the past and it can start impacting their relationships and ability to enjoy their lives. EMDR can help you process those memories so that you can break free from your past and start enjoying your life in the present.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

Real, lasting relief is possible. You don’t have to feel this way forever.

Is EMDR right for you?

EMDR is a good fit for you if you…

  • Have experienced a difficult event like birth trauma, pregnancy or infant loss, or other trauma.

  • Are struggling with the impacts of those past experiences on your life now.

  • Want resolution of your symptoms, not just ways to manage them.

  • Are ready to do the hard work required to find true, lasting peace.

What we’ll work on

With EMDR you can…

Improve your ability to manage difficult thoughts, emotions, and memories

Learn how to respond effectively in moments of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm

No longer feel guilty or responsible for things that were not your fault

Gain new coping skills and self-compassion

Your story is welcome here.



  • I have completed 40 hours of basic EMDR training, 12 hours of advanced EMDR training, over 30 hours of consultation, and conducted more than 50 EMDR sessions with clients.

  • No. Although most of my clients elect to do EMDR to help with birth or reproductive trauma, EMDR has been found to be effective for multiple other types of trauma (e.g., abuse, combat, sexual assault, domestic violence, motor vehicle accidents, etc.) and other mental health conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety, OCD, addiction, chronic pain, etc.).

  • A standard EMDR session is typically 60-minutes, however some individuals opt for longer sessions (90 minutes) for quicker relief.

  • Yep! In fact, I have done dozens of EMDR sessions with clients virtually and now exclusively provide all of my services online. All sessions are completed via a secure, HIPPA-compliant videoconferencing software called RemotEMDR.

  • This can vary depending on the client, their unique factors, and how many memories they are wanting to reprocess. For most of my clients, EMDR treatment tends to last on average about 6 to 12 sessions.